A healthy withdrawal program can help you detoxify your body and brain from the harmful effects of alcohol, and generally start your addiction treatment journey. So, if you’re struggling with alcohol brain fog or any type of cognitive impairment, make sure to spend some time in nature every day. But, if you’re struggling with brain fog from alcohol, there are some things that you can do to speed up the process of getting back your mental clarity and even enhance your cognitive function in the long run. Brain fog is a vague term to describe uncertain states of consciousness. The symptoms of brain fog can include confusion, difficulty concentrating, and short-term memory loss.

  • Lowering your dosage or switching to another drug may improve your symptoms.
  • Moderate alcohol consumption is the best strategy for reducing the risk of alcohol-related brain damage.
  • One major hypothesis is that brain fog related to COVID-19 may actually be a result of having a cytokine storm (also known as cytokine release syndrome).

Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t get yourself to focus on a task, no matter how hard you tried? But most of the time, the sensation alcohol brain fog is temporary,” MacKinnon adds. Statements made about these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

What Is the Best Way to Treat Alcohol-Related Brain Fog?

Your immune system responds by producing inflammation, and then cortisol signals your immune system to calm down when the danger has passed. However, the https://ecosoberhouse.com/ causes of brain fog are common and can often occur in pairs or trios. Once you discover the root causes of brain fog, you can begin to eliminate it.

  • Symptoms of that inflammation include feelings of anxiety, panic, and brain fog.
  • The same sort of fuzzy feeling can happen when you get the flu, or like most people, you can experience it as a symptom of COVID-19, specifically long COVID-19.
  • This is because sleep disorders can disrupt the quality and quantity of sleep, which can lead to fatigue and difficulty thinking clearly.

“Chronic drinking can really alter a person’s personality,” said Pagano. In the most extreme cases, drinking too much alcohol too fast can cause a loss of consciousness. “We worry about that for safety reasons, of course, but this is also a sign of cell death,” said Lara Ray, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of California Los Angeles Brain Research Institute. “So we also worry about brain damage—and with multiple episodes of heavy drinking, that damage can have long-term consequences for learning and memory.”

Common Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

In addition to physical exercise, it’s also important to exercise your brain. So, if you’re short on time, make sure to do some of these exercises to get your heart rate up. Meal delivery services can also be a good option if you don’t have time to cook healthy meals. Aim for at least eight hours of sleep each night, and try to stick to a regular sleep schedule as much as possible.

“While it’s trying to be protective, it can also have negative effects,” says Dr. Krishnan. Timmen L. Cermak, MD, is a psychiatrist who specializes in addiction medicine. He is the author of numerous books, including From Bud to Brain and Marijuana on My Mind. Please see a physician before making any medical or lifestyle changes.

Common Symptoms of Alcohol Fog

Thyroid disease is a topic particularly near and dear to my heart because I battled thyroid disease in medical school after being diagnosed with Graves’ disease. An estimated 27 million Americans have some form of thyroid dysfunction. Hypothyroidism (an under-active thyroid) is the most common form of thyroid dysfunction, and 90% of hypothyroidism patients have Hashimoto’s.

brain fog from drinking

Some of the effects, like slurred speech and loss of balance, can be very obvious. “Which makes it easier to consume higher amounts and enjoy some of the positive aspects,” Dahl says. “But, of course, that also creates a liability for the spiral of addiction and binge use of these substances.” For teenagers, the effects of a drunken night out may linger long after the hangover wears off. To lay down a memory, the brain needs to increase [the neurotransmitter] glutamate and decrease [the neurotransmitter] GABA in the memory centres.